* Easy to build - plenty of working space with ready access to all components, minimal wiring, extensive instruction suitable for both experience constructors and newcomers to electronics.

* Professional quality components, sturdy 9 rack mounting chassis complete with sleeve and feet for free standing work too. r.' - t at SO,e E watt AMPLifIER As featured in Electronics Today International 400W rms continuous - 800W peak! 0.03% THD at FULL power! PLUS all the following features too! * Each channel totally independent with its own stabilised power supply driven by custom designed TOROIDAL transformers' * Inherent reliability - monster heat sinks for cool running at the hottest venues- electronic open and short circuit protection' * Ultra low feedback (an incredible low 4dB overalls), super high slewing rate (20V/p s), 200W rms continuous to 4 ohm from EACH channel, input sensitivity 0.775V (OdB). between 500 and 700! Seewrt ere «el Z!a a STILL ONLY VAT FOR COMPLETE KITS! Comprehensive handbook supplied with all complete kits! This fully describes instruction and tells you how to set up your synthesizer with nothing mom akaborate then a multi -meter and a pair of ears. vsi 7sr'aase connector plugs All and the controls m construction nur.t,s so simple _-eis > it can be built r.e mew easily in a few mews synthesizer evenings r by comparable almost ams t 'no in performance and anyone capab le Quality with of rear ready Polt un sores its -nee selling for elem. components to ensure tuning amongst r_ -_ easasdire a stability -amotr : a The ket includes fully finished metalwork soled teak cabinet filter sw eep pedal, professional qualify complete - right down to the last components (all resistors e nut -^ and bolt and last piece of ere is even a 3A plug in the kit - n3! _ana wue Th aye r Y >r ere t Virtually all the you need components are on buy the absolutely no one professional Quality libre wee g osi lass se-rres,riums PCB printed with board component ares are made with locations.

pass outputs - and a separate dynamic sweep control, a detector noise ADSR generator an d an repeat, ADS= sample and hold e-.e and special circuitry with precision '+se Mg. =_s =VIM'S _NwwNo a,nmc f.eatvjred AS A The I RAN SCF NDENT 2000 is a 3 octave instrument transposable 2 octaves up or down gwnig an el lecdve 7 modulation octave a VCF with both low and high I. swim use o=" LIVE PERFORMANCE SYNTHESIZER DESIGNED BY CONSULTANT TIM ORR CONSTRUCTIONAL (FORMERLY SYNTHE ARTICLE IN SIZER DES ELECTRONICS TODAY INTERNATIONAL. 2 E i TRANSCENDENT 2000 SINGLE BOARD SYNTHESIZER : n-rren.= u=r,swws r ro.